Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Podcast...

I listened to a couple podcasts and I have also listened to others not pretaining to libraries before and they have never really kept my interest. I feel like if I wanted to listen to someone talk I could listen to a teacher or friends. However I know several people that are religious followers of certain blogs and they make them a part of their weekly schedule like someone does with their favorite TV show. I think it just depends on the type of learner you are... If you are a visual you like TV more, if you learn by hearing things you tend to gravitate more towards podcasts, and if you are a reader then you are more interested in books. Some of the podcasts covered what was current in their library, and others spoke of the programs that they had intergrated into the library or ones that are currently in session. I think instrucional podcasts would be useful to our customers.

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